Cultivation recommendation for oats for the 2025 harvest
Would you like to grow oats for Brüggen KG in Lübeck?
Sowing should take place between March and April. An early sowing date ensures the water supply and promotes a high hectoliter weight. We recommend a sowing rate of 300-350 seeds per square meter and a sowing depth of 3-4 cm. Please coordinate the choice of variety with us and use certified seed (Z-Saat). You can find more tips on the right variety at the end of this article.
Fertilization is best done with approx. 100 kg nitrogen (+/-). Oats only need a small amount of nitrogen, ideally before or with sowing. Also ensure a balanced supply of basic nutrients as well as manganese and copper.
Plant protection
Herbicides should only be used when necessary – siccation should be avoided at all costs! Only in this way can our products continue to impress with their outstanding quality.
Growth regulators and fungicides
Herbicides should only be used when necessary – siccation should be avoided at all costs! Only in this way can our products continue to impress with their outstanding quality.
As with any crop, the right time to harvest is crucial. Ideally, oats should be harvested during the day.
When storing, ensure a maximum grain moisture content of 13.5% to ensure the quality and storage stability of the grain in the long term. This moisture limit must also be adhered to when the grain is delivered to the mill. Effective ventilation and drying are particularly important for oats – even more so than for other types of grain.
After the harvest has been brought in and before it is delivered, we need a sample (5 kg) that can be analyzed in our laboratory. We will inform you of the results immediately in writing.
Choice of variety
Choosing the right variety is particularly important for processing in Lübeck. It has also been shown that varieties that have been specially bred for peeling mills deliver good results even in moderate cultivation years – both during processing and in the field. We only recommend varieties that have proven themselves in practice and with which our agricultural partners have also been able to achieve satisfactory yields.
You haven't found a suitable variety yet?
Then contact H. & J. Brüggen KG directly before sowing. Our buyers Sven Sädler and Henry Brüggen will be happy to advise you on the selection of varieties and the attractive contract conditions.

Bullet points: The most important things at a glance!
- March - April
- 300 - 400 grains/m²
- 3-4 cm deep
- approx. 100 kg nitrogen
- Basic nutrients, manganese & copper
Plant protection
- Fewer herbicides
- Few growth regulators & fungicides
- No siccation
Harvest & storage
- Harvest during the day
- <13.5 % grain moisture
- Good ventilation & drying
Pattern analysis
- Send in 5 kg samples in advance
- Fast analysis & feedback
Variety selection
- Use special peelers and grinders
- We are happy to advise you!