Football tournament
Brüggen United scores points at the Lübeck Authorities League
Last week, our football team Brüggen United took part in the Lübeck Authorities League in the Hansehalle Lübeck and faced a particularly challenging group stage. With the Lübeck police, the Ratzeburg federal police and Stadtwerke Lübeck as opponents, the team was challenged from the start – but still managed to score points.
In the end, Brüggen United achieved a solid 4th place and once again proved its fighting spirit and team strength. Particularly noteworthy: Fenna Maschmann was the only woman in the team and impressed with her full power on the pitch.
The fact that their own group also included the eventual second and third-placed teams in the tournament emphasises the high standard of the matches. All in all, it was a successful competition for Brüggen United, which was rated positively by the entire team.
We look forward to the next competition and would like to thank our great footballers!